Re-Finishing & Re-Upholstering
Make It New Again!
Refinishing your existing pews can be an affordable alternative to all new furniture. With our upholstering and refinishing expertise, we can help you achieve a fresh, new look with your present furnishings.

Your pews can be upholstered on your premises without interruption of Sunday services. Refinishing is done at our plant and can be done with minimal interruption. You may choose from a wide selection of the latest styles and fabrics available. Your decorating potential is virtually unlimited.
We understand that there is a lot of church furniture that has been built over the years that is worthy of being refinished. Our process is effective and economically sound. We merely take the old finish, or fabric off and replace it with a fresh new look. Free consultation and pricing is available.
Our Service Area
We Service National, Regional and Local Locations around the United States.
Our Service Area
We provide church furniture, school furniture, and courtroom furniture for customers all around the country. When you want high-quality, affordable furniture, service, and more, call the staff at Rock Solid Church Furniture today.